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Old 15-09-2019, 08:10 AM
Starman Starman is offline
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Breathing is very important but in meditation it is only a vehicle to help you go inside. I have been doing meditation for more than 40-years and I no longer concentrate on my breath, rather I know that quiet serenity I am seeking in meditation and I just go right to it. Over time you are likely to forgo techniques and just be able to go into that inner stillness which we dive into in meditation without using any techniques.

Practice staying with your meditation experience for longer periods of time, while you are standing in the grocery checkout line, or waiting for other things, even try to meditate while you are sleeping. In the meantime you might want to try the full yogi breath, also called Pranayama. There are lots of websites online, at YouTube, etc., that can instruct you in that technique, and it may be helpful.

There are also techniques, like mantra meditation, third eye meditation, meditating on inner sound, etc., which do not use breathing as a primary technique. There are lots of options available, and you have got to find your own comfort level and what speaks to you. Glad to hear you are doing better. God's speed.
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