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Old 15-09-2019, 02:29 AM
Blue Tiger Blue Tiger is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 522
What do you hope to accomplish by saying something to the ex about your vision?

Are you hoping to prevent him from doing something? Are you trying to reach out and curtail his bad behavior? Do you just want him to know you are watching him?

If it's the first option, I think I would mention it once. If he hasn't done the horrible thing you saw in your vision, no harm done and he might think twice about ever doing it.

If it's the second option, he's a big boy and if you aren't in a relationship, let him go. It's his responsibility. You aren't his mother.

If it's the third option, it might anger him to know you are keeping tabs on him. Do you really want to go there?

So to answer your question, only speak up if there is some good to come of it. Otherwise, let him go.
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