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Old 19-07-2016, 02:09 PM
CrystalSong CrystalSong is offline
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Well, I guess when Awakening happened, for me it was the cosmic two by four route, not a gentle unfolding over time. Then periodically after that, it just kinda depended what was happening on the Path, it's not been a consistent thing, but rather in spirts (my field effecting others)
Recently I'm learning how to control my field, which has made a difference.

This last round of weirdness last week seems to be around another 11th chakra activation. It was a rough week in some ways as there wasn't much consciousness left in the body to think or operate it. Even speaking was slow and labored taking much effort to pull thoughts together and get them out of my mouth. While Spirit and I could talk about what was going on and what was not working quite right and needed a tune up, I wasn't able to sort out how to solve it even with Spirits guidance.

So yesterday I had some energy work done from a lady who specializes in energy pathways, matrices, fields and also soul fragment recoveries. I needed her full bag of abilities. As a result I'm feeling more present and human today :)

We can't all specialize in every single aspect of awakening consciousness and so it's worth it to see a specialist in a particular area when something comes up that we don't know how to wok through - same as we'd see a doctor, dentist or chiropractor if something came up in the body.

Ultimately it's best if we can do all our own work, but realistically the field of knowledge is very very vast and I don't think we were intended to be solo Islands, but instead a vast network of consciousness which can assist each aspect for the betterment of the whole.

I work at pretty high levels these day and I can Thank many people along the way for helping me as various things came up and they had the ability to advise me, mitigate the problem or solve it. Many of my clients are in Service also, Rabbi's, Shaman, Healers, Energy Workers and so on.
The reason for that is as we become more energy aware, anyone doing work on us needs to be at our frequency or above or else after the work we have to do a lot of cleansing and purifying and reset our energy field to our normal operating frequency, which becomes annoying.
When we can find Practitioners well above our own frequency to have energy work from the higher frequency's evolve our consciousness faster and we get to move along another step or two on the Path.

Perhaps this helps you to understand a bit more why it can be important for your own evolution in consciousness to work with others occasionally. :)
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