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Old 12-05-2012, 06:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by pearldiver
Hi Charlie,

if you talk about unconditional love - just be aware - it is without condition... which means - it doesn't matter if you find people stupid, it is your point of view making them so. If they don't comprehend to what you say it might just be their view of life. You can't talk with everybody about everything. If they are your friends, you will have, like 'TzuJanLi' stated, to find a 'we'. If you look for someone to talk to about, what your friends do not understand, find new ones who does...

Unconditional love can't be put into any schema it is what it is - the acceptance, that any human being has gods light in his heart. When you seek and find your own you will be able to see it in any other person too. This light of theirs is no other, then your own.

Accepting that will give you automatically the ability to love all people without condition. You accept them as they are.

Every person has its own path through life towards unity. Everyone has its own way to get there. You meet people on their path with their own thoughts and experiences of life. They don't have to match yours. That does not make them stupid. It might happen, that some people will find you stupid, which doesn't make you stupid either.

Judgment - 'good / bad, Wise / ignorant' is the game of the ego. it is the polarity, which is the nature of the physical world. Unconditional love is beyond that and beyond judgment.

Learn to love yourself and you will love everything. I know, it is not easy and it is a long way. If you started walking this path don't give up. Seek for your peace of mind and it will find you.
Many very wise points!
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