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Old 28-12-2017, 04:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
I think you are right we need words for practical purposes (mostly to communicate things to others or to get a handle on complex concepts) but the thing is every word makes a box around some part of reality. And people have a tendency to start looking at the boxes so intently they lose track of the reality...

If I understand it correctly.? In quantum field theory, matter (particles) do not exist as such until measured (observed?) by an observer. Before that, they exist only in potential, as the probability to be found in a given state at any given location and given time. We cannot speak of where they are when not observed as they do not exist until then. This probability is unbound within the knowable universe, and although this probability may be so high in a given location so as to be a near certainty to be found there once an observation is made, this probability is never zero anywhere else. Yet we do not know what determines this probability distribution. Is it the universe, or perhaps our own expectations? Even once the forms are realized the universe seems to hold back on giving a complete and definitive answer, preferring to maintain a subtle but real level of uncertainty as a matter of principal. It is as if the universe holds existence in abeyance, not making up its mind as to what it will show reality to be until we ask it a question, and then it only gives an incomplete and uncertain answer.

Is it then the very act of naming that gives form and reality to that which is named? Is then the certainty of that which is named only illusion in the mind of the observer, a false certainty that merely hides the subtle reality of the formlessness from which the forms arise and eventually to which all forms return? Do not all forms represent a concentration of energy, a depression in entropy, which the laws of thermodynamics tell us the universe will relentlessly seek to smooth back out? If the forms that exist, only exist because we asked the universe to show them to us so we can give them a name, then what will happen to the forms when we forget their names?

"Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real." - Niels Bohr
Wretched mind, from us you are taking the evidence by which you would overthrow us? Your victory is your own fall.
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