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Old 04-01-2015, 09:56 AM
dryad dryad is offline
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I think you mean the kind of cords that people and spirits use to leech our energy. They are different to relationship bonds which are a two way bond based on emotion. Leeching cords are one way and you dont even necessarily have to know the person or spirit. I prefer to disconnect rather than cut those cords and attachments because cutting it leaves residual energy to clog up your chakras. To disconnect a cord you visualise taking hold of it close to the end and mentally send a jolt of electricity through it.

Raising your vibration will stop spirits attaching as they need a frequency match but to prevent people leeching off you you need to maintain a barrier at the outside edge of your aura. It is connected to the sacral chakra so make sure thats working properly first.

Your energy levels will return to 100% but it will take time.
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