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Old 19-02-2018, 05:31 AM
Nitiananda Nitiananda is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 161
What you call your consciousness is a superficial consciousness related to the physical body and it disappears with his death ..
The deeper layer is the subconscious, which is already closer to our true self. This is the consciousness of the team and the orders for action.
The superficial consciousness is like a guardian, which helps to weed out information. To think and weigh our actions.

And in the depths lies the superconsciousness, which is our true essence.
What is usually called the soul-this is the true I who came under the influence of the three gunas (rajas, tamas and sattva), the Gunas cause illusions of error in the mind.
And the goal of spiritual practice is to divide our true identity and guna. This is called the attainment of liberation and enlightenment.
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