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Old 24-10-2023, 09:09 PM
OldChap OldChap is offline
Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 107
The more love we have or the more expanded our consciousness is, the more access we will have to that huge library of personal accumulated Earthly and cosmos wisdom and knowledge contained in our own body.

With greater knowledge and seeing more of the big picture comes greater peace and joy in heart and mind. Becoming humans that begin to see everything from a benevolent perspective from knowing of the many benevolent systems in place to help us learn and grow up spiritually to love.

No longer will we see ourselves as helpless and hopeless victims of this world, but as magnificent beings here to assist with bring light to this spiritually young dark world.

This universe was created with love, and everything that is not or hinders the natural flow of love will eventually be returned to love.

Being here in the human form that is purposely at low spirituality and wisdom to start, we will naturally make some very poor choices along the way courtesy of free will and not knowing any better yet.

Karma is just one of many divine guidance systems in place to nudge us back to love when we veered off the good path. Karma is not a system to reward or to punish. Rather it is for letting us know of the harms we had caused to ourselves and to others because of our poor choices, and learn not to repeat the same mistakes.

And because we each tied our own knots in our own personal unique way, then it is up to each of us to untie our own unique knots.

And those knots do carry over from from one lifetime to the next, until we untie them.

The further we move along that long path to love, the more we will understand that “bad” things don’t happen to us, but for us to learn.

Then what we earlier saw as our suffering and adversities will now be seen as welcome and grateful lesson opportunities to gain greater wisdom and benevolent maturity to make better future choices that align with love.

And because everything moves in a circle, the better choices we make now will become our future, meaning we are laying down a better life for ourselves every lifetime. Some call this the Law of Attraction , what goes around comes around, reap what you sowed, or karma.

All the best!
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