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Old 28-06-2019, 02:33 PM
zorkchop zorkchop is offline
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,025
ThatMan . . .

I have often considered starting a thread on being a slave to our beliefs. What you say here is quite true. We ARE a slave to our *old* beliefs. We can begin to revise them at any time . . . but two questions always haunt us . . . how do we really give up a strong belief we have held for a long time . . . and what do we replace it with . . . if anything.

“Belief” is a word that has been totally perverted by society and the human state of consciousness / mind. To give up all beliefs leaves one a zombie. It actually cannot be done. But beliefs resolve into knowingness . . . and knowingness resolves into understanding.

Mind will tell you that it can both “know” and “understand.” It can’t . . . in the worlds beyond itself. And mind . . . like the physical body . . . has almost a life of its own . . . in that when the individual begins to understand what the mind is in relation to Soul Itself . . . in that mind is not Soul and Soul is not mind . . . and then that individual begins to show a real interest in moving beyond the mind . . . mind . . . as an almost distinguishable entity of its own . . . is fully capable of launching intense warfare on the individual to maintain the control that mind had held and lived from for many, many eons. Mind . . . will NOT give up easily.

“Ego” is another of those words that has been totally perverted. Ego is simply the sense of “I-ness” as opposed to the presence or “I-ness” of another individual. Ego has been warped into that which is any passion, desire, or belief of the individual. That isn’t quite true . . . but takes a long time to resolve. Again . . . a paradox. Ego needs to be tamed and understood rather than killed or destroyed. Since Soul Itself is an individual entity . . . one never seems to lose the “I-ness” of moving within Existence . . . or simply being present within Existence . . . depending on where one “is.”

ThatMan . . . please consider . . . that if you “battle” the ego . . . you give it just as much energy as you do it you simply cater to and promote it. You cannot fight against mind. That’s why negation rarely if ever works. There are other ways to go about it. These ways are not openly taught . . . nor will they ever be highly promoted. One must uncover and begin to use them in a quiet, passionate . . . yet committed way.

On we go.
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