Thread: Humility thread
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Old 12-03-2015, 02:39 PM
Humanb Humanb is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 156
Humility thread

This thread is for being honest about yourself.

Being honest and forward about our flaws is a great way to make it harder for us to be offended when somebody points them out to us, because that's usually the case. And it ultimately makes it easier for us to address these flaws.

I think forming a sense of humility is important for spiritual growth, so lets list our flaws :)

My flaws:

I'm Lazy, Sometimes unmotivated, Emotionally unstable, Sometimes Anxious, Dogmatic, Too philosophical, I have compulsive desires, Sometimes selfish, Unreliable, Introverted, Easily distracted, Lacking morals in certain areas, I'm not very social, I do occasionally get angry, I over think, I need to listen more, i have attachments, i can't take criticism, I get confused easily..

I'm very sure there are more so i will add more as the thread progresses.
I already feel great for letting all those out! i feel my ego dissolving away :)

Now it's your turn!
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