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Old 05-02-2013, 10:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by blackraven
What standard do you hold your spiritual life to? Do you compare yourself to ancient religious predecessors and hold yourself to high standards, such as following the behavior of Christ or Buddha?

Sort of, though I would be more inclined to choose Socrates as my standard.

But my standard is more precisely an abstract conception of the good life. There is not any actual individual who sets that standard. I suppose you could say that *I* am the standard for my life, but it is my highest potentials that set that standard.

I suppose what I’m getting at is how do you know you’re in fact living a spiritual life?

I have a concern for improving my vantagepoint on the deep issues of life, which is my understanding of the barest essence of the spiritual life. That's how I know.


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