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Old 20-09-2017, 02:21 PM
Posts: n/a
IMO, yes we have free will, but it is a shared universe, so the actions we can take and events we can shape are limited.

Because it is a shared universe - we share it with each other, with all life, and of course with all matter - events are subject to force and what I call 'inertia'. Inertia in this context refers to the attributes of an event or impending event, which we can shape through our actions, but are also subject to shaping by the rest of the universe as well.

Generally, the more inertia an impending event has, the less affectable it becomes. So an impending event with a very strong inertia is not easily affected by our actions, or may even be immune to our actions. An event with very low inertia will be easily affected by our actions. And events are also affectable or not according to all the regular attributes as well - our knowledge, proximity, capabilities, etc..
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