Thread: nature spirits
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Old 04-08-2017, 02:10 PM
JOHN44 JOHN44 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 135
I have often dreamt of trees I shall try to give my understanding in words, here goes.

They give forth a secret of their given truth, for you Are one of their given means that is of their truth to give honour to their truth, it is of all yet to recognise the given knowledge of the ages of their given wisdoms so only then is it to be so that you may be Given the Grace of their wisdom for they shall be within the truth of their means given upon their creation of wisdom to all that Binds in the passings of the Age of Agelessness.

Yet is it now for you to dwell within your insight gained so you may then give forth your wisdom gained in the days of their wisdom given?

They give all so that you may dwell within their Age for all within their binding of creation is life given. So unto you now so it is now within your means to receive the wisdom of the truth for all who are within the passings of days are fortunate to a given truth within the walkings that gather amongst the leaves of fallen times, so be of your given times combined for it will be upon the passings given forth to where you are within the wisdom gathered amongst the leaves of the age you shall be upon soon?

For the Grace that you give truth to is the giver of the wisdom that is of your insight towards the wisdom of your depth of truth, for it is by the means of a truth given by the leaves gathered within the All Binding Grace Of Creation that life is given it's new ages of Passings for the Age of The Eternal Forest Is All knowing for they are the givers of all certain passings within their given truth of their wisdom.

Yet it is also to be aware of the passings of all who are willing to the means given forth by their truth, it is upon them to give notice to know that all the knowledge is lost for it is the loss of their Age of truth that is their wisdom lost

Giving truth to their age that gave forth their gift of wisdom is shared throughout time to only then be forgotten, so it is of their truth now that shall dwell in the Ages of Agelessness

For the Ancient truth is eternal For The Agelessness Of Time is The Grace of all Truths. For time that is for you to be within is yet known for it is lost to you.For the untold truth of a wisdom gathered is the knowledge given within their wisdoms of truth known for such insight is now within the Agelessness Of Time.

But a portion of the wisdom of truth that binds all is here in a few words only to describe a passing given in a dream for it is to breathe their life. So given by the known understanding unto you the dweller within what is yet known so give it forth your insight for it may be your truth to receive the higher knowledge of an age of truth for it is to the passings of their given wisdom that gives forth their secret given truth

Forth to you unwillingly it must pass if you should ever need to be within such a depth of Wisdom. Therefore are you of the given forth or are you among the forth given?

Do you wish to give reason to the wisdoms of such depth?

Will it be within the means of your known understanding to obtain a baseline of truth to then give wisdom to your insight?

For your means of insight will be upon such truths yet bestowed unto you by the Agelessness of Time.

All I'm talking about is trees and the agelessness of time that gathers their truth for it is the gestures of Mankind that are forth to their means within the passings of all who give to their reason.

To speak of the trees is to give creation your insight
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