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Old 04-01-2014, 10:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by muileag
I'm not sure if I have a question as much as an observation/musing:
Today, one of the cards in my reading was the King of Pentacles. I always "cringe" a bit when I draw a king card because I just don't feel/intuit/relate...I don't understand...what I'm being shown with a king card...I don't know how to apply the insight to my life. It's like I just can't relate to the king cards and I don't know why.

So, I'm just wondering if you have any insights as to why, or if any of you have particular cards that you just can't relate to.

This is what my grandmother told me 45 years ago. There is so much more then this, but I when felling confused I go back to this.

When I think of kings I remind myself that queens rule from the heart and kings rule from logic. Pentacles is of earth, material. Either you will have this kind of person enter your life, or you will have a situation that deals with the material world that will need your logical attention, you will have to be in charge, leave your emotions at the door. For me in readings this king represents a boss like figure. Those who have the money make the rules. Change the suit like to Swords, then it has to do with communications/intelligent. Take the emotion and intuition out, it is about logic and rules. Kings want answers and solutions, not excuses.
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