Thread: Rev 16
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Old 30-09-2017, 06:43 PM
Ab Origine Ab Origine is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 444
Hi Folks..

Noah had three sons, they had wives, there were NO daughters. so where was the "incest?"

Well obviously there MUST be incest in the generations that follow - 3 sons give rise to next generation who are ALL related by blood and close familial dna - and yet from this next generation some 6 BILLION and counting will arise - so yer do the maths - incest at the start is a GUARANTEE Im afraid....

God is love, though he will PUNISH ANYONE... who refuse to obey him, just like any parent would. and yes... his punishment was to destroy them. who are we as humans, to even THINK!... we got the right to question how, Jehovah God by the way, works?!

Surely that's some kind of joke there..??.. How does "love" even equate with punishment or DESTRUCTION..?... What - it loves us so it will punish us if we disobey destroy us if we disobey too much and THAT is how it shows "love"..?...WAKE UP GIRL !!!

Now - Im a parent - have NEVER punished any of MY children for disobeying me - how ARROGANT is that to punish someone simply because they refuse to bow down to you..??...give them proper love and that situation just doesnt ever happen and the child will do as you ask out of indeed PROPER love and respect - give them FEAR though as yhvh does and for sure expect some rebellion along the way... Hold the child down dominated and subservient, and for sure expect some rebellion along the way...Your Yhvh hasn't got a clue about his children !!

Take an honest look - you will see this god loves IT SELF FIRST AND FOREMOST ALWAYS !!! It couldn't give a flying kung fu kick about OUR welfare - just as long as IT gets some worship from us !! Hence all the fear based instructions and insistance that we place it first always - EVERYTHING it has said and done "for our benefit" is actually done to hold us captive and dominated - spiritually enslaved to it - tied to it ENERGETICALLY so that it can quite literally feed from our essence - it traps us with ignorance given to us THROUGH RELIGION - hence Christ actually advised have NO PART OF RELIGION - as in HATE your parents - as He said to those with ears to actually hear..

Oh - and what RIGHT do I have to question this so called god..?? EVERY right - after all - didn't it give me a MIND and a FREE WILL (despite its attempts to dominate MY Will remains free) - so why DID it give me these tools if Im forbidden to think for my Self..??..

Ignorance is the enemy here Christ said - first task and first step as we start this attempt to save our Self - is to KNOW THY SELF He advised - become fully known is the crucial first step - ignorance is the enemy - spiritual ignorance of our eternal nature, forced upon us BY your god of the bible - ergo - your god of the bible is actually the enemy here too according to Christ..
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