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Old 28-07-2017, 02:15 AM
Posts: n/a
A Little About Consciousness...

We should be able to simply say that consciousness is a “principle”. We cannot though. Here on Earth we are too used to thinking of it in terms of an effect or an attribute. Consciousness is neither.

There is, somewhere at a level too high for we humans to imagine, an ultimate creator. For convenience lets assign both gender and title. We’ll call Him God.

Now to make this as short as possible let’s not think in exoteric terms moving, eventually, to the esoteric. The readers on this forum are perfectly capable of sorting out high from lower. In an esoteric sense the body of God is everything, omitting not even the smallest sub atomic particle, in existence. Let’s include both the physical and the spiritual universes too, all of them.

God is the apex. At His level there is no passage of time. God simply “is”. This is the reason we can have freedom of choice when God already knows how we will chose. We really do have choice because we are unaware of God’s mind. It therefore has no effect on us.

If God has a single attribute, something which can be quantified by us, it is His being as evidenced through His works. Since all of creation results from the mind of God being directed purposefully each bit of created matter both physical and spiritual bears a telltale signature of the source. Consciousness is this signature. It is thus “a principle”. God’s mind is the ultimate measure of consciousness. Consciousness is that which is of God. Consciousness derives directly from the creator. Consciousness, in it's highest form, is what God is.

God is most conscious. A subatomic particle is least conscious. We are conscious in accordance with the state of spiritual attainment of our souls. How old is my soul? Determine the age by the degree of consciousness or vice versa. Consciousness does not originate in the brain. The brain simply allows a degree of consciousness to express through the physical body. Because of this it seems that consciousness is of the brain. Not true though. Our consciousness survives death. This is a well accepted proposition. Most of us believe it. It, therefore, cannot be of the brain. Our brains allow connectivity between our self consciousness and that of the greater whole of creation. Those who channel know this to be factual.

The following things are true. A grain of sand has both a soul and consciousness. We have both a soul and consciousness. The sun about which our planets orbit has a soul and consciousness. These are facts which every advanced soul, disciple, adept and master on or above the Earth, knows.

This was quickly written. Please forgive any typos...

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