Thread: toe jam
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Old 01-02-2012, 05:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by res
Thats a great question. The body has limited reserves of healing energy to combat any illness in the body. Reiki is a way of amplifying the amount of energy which is directed to a specific area to assit combatting the illness. In this case the illness (fungus) is a living thing and the energy may well assist the fungus in its cause if directed to the actual infected area.

Gday Stogster, You may get even better results if you use visualisation techniques to push the healing energy into the toes and force the fungus out of the toenail. Maybe bring the energy up through the chakra in the sole of each foot and push it out the end of your toes.

Also do some work to build up your immune system and meet the fungy at the front line.

If you want to take this to a more intense level, move your awareness from your mind down through your body and down to your toe where the infection starts. Use your minds eye like a laser and blast the fungus away. Its important to spend some time doing this to focus a lot of intent and dont miss any of the little buggers.

Hope this helps

I think that subconsciously i do just that. Direct the energy towards a specific area. Just like in chakra healings. We may or may not have a limited amount of energy. But the more i practice. The more proficient i get. I do self reiki at least one short and one mediim length session per day.

Then im sending at least one distance healing and attunement per day. Unless my energy gets low. Than i may give it a day to build up. Jist like in playing a musical instrument. The more you practice the easier ot gets. So eventually you need less e energy to accomplish similar tasks.

I sure would have liked to have known about this when i was younger.
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