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Old 30-07-2018, 04:49 PM
Compendium Compendium is offline
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Posts: 374
I have not read the entire thread, but I can present you with the hard science.

The last 10,000 years of Earth's climate have been stable. This is unusual acording to ice core data. The planet naturally goes through heating and cooling periods. Humans are exacerbating this heating trend, but it was actually hotter in the middle ages than it is now.

As the planet heats up the ice sheets melt the Greenland Ice sheet is particularly important to the northern hemisphere. As that melts the fresh water pours into the Atlantic ocean. Fresh water being less dense than salt water this fresh water will not sink to the bottom of the ocean and join the natural cycle of warm to cool water of the gulf stream. Eventually enough fresh water will shut the gulf stream down and it will stop bringing warm water from the south to the north and the cold water will stop being moved south to warm so it just sits there getting colder. It will freeze and the ice will move south. The oceans in short are what really help maintain our global climate with those being ice our land masses will cool and also and thus a mini ice age. These mini ice ages usually last about a thousand years during what scientist call a temperate weather period which is what we are currently in. They suspect that it will take about 50 years for the Greenland ice sheet to fully melt, but no one knows exactly how much of it needs to melt before it shuts down the Gulf Stream.

Mini Ice Ages can occur suddenly as well. I dont mean like over night, but sudden in our planets time frame such as over the course of a few months. This usually occurs when massive gaseous volcanoes erupt sending lots of Sulfur Dioxiode into the atmosphere. When Sulfur Dioxide is mixed with water it actually becomes mirror like reflecting the suns rays back into space and thus cooling the planet. Depending on the size of the volcano determines the drop in temperature. A volcano like Yellowstone could bring on a new ice age due to its pyroclastic nature and its volume, but Yellowstone has had a lot of small eruptions in history as well the most recent being about 70,000 years ago. Only 3 times in history has it fully emptied its magma chamber. It is theorized that Mt. Toba had a super eruption and caused the bottleneck in human history.

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