Thread: ?remote viewing
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Old 14-10-2015, 10:10 PM
Egadanadage Egadanadage is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 139
Originally Posted by misfit
Hi all,

Am wondering if anyone can shed some light on this experience.

I have been learning how to AP and have successfully done it twice.

Immediately after I wake up in the morning, when I am actually conscious & awake, i keep my eyes closed and i see these snap shots, that are actually hard to see what they are. It's like I'm looking through it from under water (it's dark under water) and when a wave gives an opening I could see a part of something but then immediately it shuts before I can tell what the view is. This experience only lasts for a few minutes, it happens almost every morning.

But this morning, I was able to see some things clearly. This view (which was a beautiful sky view) came in cartoon-like caricature, then it's like it changes to the actual view then switches back to cartoon-like caricature. And so on. It was a sparkling beautiful view.

I also still had that under water snapshot views of other things, but this time the opening is a bit longer than the usual snapshots, and i could see a bit of color from these snapshots.

Is this what they call remote-viewing? Or is there another word for it?

Thanks in advance for all your input. It is easier to understand things when one knows what they are or what they're called to have a point of reference.

Hi misfit,

So I don't think what you're experiencing is remote viewing. Although my own personal experiences with remote viewing doesn't happen very often or purposefully thing I can tell you from the handful of experiences I HAVE had over the years is that I always experience a very clear split in my consciousness. I'm fully conscious of what's going on in my room, in my home, etc. and at the same time I'm fully conscious of whatever remote viewing experience I happen to be having. I'm in two places at once, and 100% at both places as far as awareness goes. This doesn't sound like that. Most likely what you're experiencing is a hypnopompic state. Much like a hypnogogic state...that state when your brain fires off images while falling asleep? A hypnopompic state is the state in which hallucinations can occur while waking from sleep. They're similar states in what you experience, although they're triggered by different parts of the brain, the hypnopompic state stemming from your frontal lobe taking it's sweet time in making the transition to a waking state, particularly if you're waking from REM sleep directly. Although what we're talking about here is brain activity and nothing more, in either state you can follow it through into a lucid or astral state without much difficulty because firstly? You're not fully awake in either state (although you can be fully AWARE), and secondly? It's basically a visualization, and visualizations are great for tricking your body into thinking you're dreaming. Even if you are experiencing a level of awareness and consciousness IE you know you're not fully asleep and you know you're experiencing hallucinations...if your body thinks you're dreaming? It'll trigger sleep paralysis (which you may or may not experience) and if you can keep your awareness? Off you'll go into a lucid state. Pretty cool.
Go outside and feel the wind on your face, smell the fresh air, and connect with nature.
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