Thread: Soulmates
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Old 23-10-2017, 06:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Long time ago directly after a break up. a very very tough one. i was angry and was yelling at Orion. (constellation) I was saying how true love didn't really exist. it couldn't be possible as i have yet to be with a woman who truly knew and loved me. In a further fit of rage I dared the universe to prove me wrong. (That true love wasn't real)

At the time i expected to be shown another person. Instead the universe showed me my true self which led me to truly love me.

point is sometimes it doesn't matter what you ask for or intent for. you will always receive what you really need regardless of it being a lesson hidden in strife or a lesson hidden in joy. Either way those lessons usually lead you to what you seek.

Also in LOA practices. Its better to prepare your life for that perfect match. sleep on one side of the bed, clean out their side of the garage, clear space in the medicine cabinet. things of this nature manifest that reality much quicker than wanting from a state of need. opposed to knowing you have it already and therefor are not needing something you already have.
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