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Old 17-05-2019, 12:01 AM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by lonelybird82
Hello everyone,

I have a question: do any of you remember a past life that you are completely sure of, know that you actually lived it and were a real historical person a very long time ago, before recorded history (not famous at that time, just an ordinary person), but your past life is nowadays considered a fantasy tale in modern culture?
To be more specific, did anyone have the experience of accidentally stumbling upon an accurate and detailed description of their past incarnation and life journey in a children’s fantasy book? If such a thing happened to you, would you consider yourself mentally unstable, would you think this is all just your own fantasy and not regard it as a real past life? Would you choose to tell any of your friends or relatives about it?
And what would your own reaction be, if this kind of past-life recall happened to one of your friends or relatives, and they told you about it? Would you be sure they are delusional and need help?
I know that’s a very weird set of questions, but I would be most grateful for people’s opinions about this.

Firstly, I have had no such experiences. But I would not rule them out.

A possible example could be someone who clearly recalls a past life as a priest or priestess in Atlantis. Some would consider this a fantasy. But if you accept that Atlantis did exist and that there were priests and priestesses, then it is not unreasonable to suppose that some would be back in a physical body today, and perhaps it was their spiritual training in that past life which allows them to remember it in the current life.

I am not a great believer in ancestral memories or such memories being stored in our DNA. However, we have to use our faculty of discrimination.

Firstly, it is possible that our "memory" of such a past life originates from a subconscious memory in this life. Perhaps based on a book we read or a film we saw when we were very young. We have no conscious memory of reading the book or seeing the film, but the images and ideas have remained with us.

Secondly, we humans have a tendency to self-glamourise. So using the above example, some New Agers may fondly imagine that they were priests or priestesses in Atlantis because this gives them some kind of spiritual validity or imagined importance.

Would I tell friends or relatives about it? Probably not, unless I knew that they would be open to the possibility and may have some insights. If such a topic was outside their understanding then nothing would be achieved by sharing it.

What if a friend or relative shared such a story with me? I would not dismiss them as delusional and needing help. After all, I believe that reincarnation is a fact. But I would hope that they had enough awareness to accept that whatever they recall may or may not be based on actual events.

And in the end, who we are now is more important than whoever we might have been once upon a time.

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