Thread: Channelling
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Old 20-02-2019, 05:15 PM
NoOne NoOne is offline
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Hi, of course I don't mind your questions, I realise there is quite a lot of cross-cultural pollination going on in these Channelling sessions, which can be very confusing. I will attempt to clear up some of it.

Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I realize you are just channeling and are not here to personally ans questions...that said, here I go anyway...

This is what I zeroed in on most.
'Blissful Amrita, Nectar of the Gods'...let's see, was it Yogananda or Kirpal Singh that used that phrase? Ha!

If you feel to ask ...''And how can humans experience this Amrita?''
(Not that one can't find out how online these days...when it was only revealed by your Guru in the past.)
Thank you.

This I can answer from personal experience. When you raise your Kundalini to the very top, it pierces through the dimensional walls separating realities and Soma comes flowing in through the top of the head. This is an incredibly ecstatic feeling of bliss and wisdom, connectedness to everything in the Universe and an expansion of Self into infinity. On the physical level, DMT is secreted by the pineal gland, conferring the ability to see beyond the physical and to communicate with higher beings. There may be other ways to access and drink Soma, but I'm not aware of them personally. Gopi Krishna wrote extensively about this phenomenon, if you want to do further research into it.

I am personally unfamiliar with the name Indra...except on Star Trek!
Also, since I am not Jewish --Elohim?
I never did know if that was a name of the Creator Himself...or as Indra says....'I was the first one....the light of the world'.

I am not familiar with the name Rudra or Anunnaki..I never saw them in the Bhagavad you know where they come from?

So...the Elohim is not "God'' ?....sorry I get confused easily!!!!
I wonder how a Jew would see this.
I should ask them 'who is the Elohim'...I will look it up now.

Oh now this isn't confusing, lol:
"Elohim is a grammatically plural noun for "gods" or "deities" in Biblical Hebrew.
In Hebrew, the ending -im normally indicates a masculine plural.
However, when referring to the Hebrew God, Elohim is usually understood to be grammatically singular (i.e. it governs a singular verb or adjective)."

Clear as mud, to ME!

Indra is the Vedic King of the Gods. He is the same person as Zeus and Jupiter, according to mainstream scholars. Indoeuropeans all worshipped him in the distant past, but he has gone somewhat out of favour it seems.

Rudra is the Vedic Storm God, (much like Yahweh was the Jewish storm god in the original Polytheistic Pantheon), he is now believed to be just another version of Shiva, although this is debated by the different sects within Hinduism. I consider them one and the same, though Indra probably referred to him as Rudra, because that is his Vedic name.

It gets complicated with the Elohim and the Anunnaki, so bear with me.

An or Anu was the Sumerian sky god, just as El was the Jewish Sky God. The sons of Anu are called the Anunnaki and the Sons of El are called the Elohim. I believe they are one and the same and are essentially the same as the "gods" or "Devas" in general. Some would disagree, but that's my interpretation. When I channel them, they use all these terms interchangeably. It really doesn't matter to them, because they have a collective mind, so in essence they are indeed one. They can act and speak as part of a collective or as an individual, whichever is more convenient for the task at hand. This is also why there is so much debate about how to translate Elohim in the Bible. Of course it is plural, but Bible scholars usually translate Elohim as simply "God". Islam goes even further and uses the singular Eloh, or "Allah" in Arabic transliteration. It is really just a problem for the logical mind, the Elohim themselves really don't care about our little squabbles regarding this issue.

Btw Indra isn't the creator God, but he was first of the Devas, apparently. To be honest I'm not sure what to make of Indra's teaching in that regard, but maybe it will become clearer with time.
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