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Old 09-07-2013, 03:54 AM
Jenny Crow Jenny Crow is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,194
Originally Posted by Bodhi_Spirit
I know you said to keep opinions against the use of ouija boards to yourself, but I'd like to offer a little advice if you don't mind. If it does not resonate with you then just ignore my statement.

Ouija boards or witch boards act as a portal to the spirit world. The board itself is not evil. However the board offers very little in the lines of a filter. It is very different from a medium who uses guides and gate keepers to keep out the nasty lower vibrating entities. It can be rather troublesome as once a portal is opened it can sometimes be difficult to close.

Any protection you would use to keep the bad out would need to be practiced on a regular basis several times a day in order to have the most power behind it. If you're a novice at psychic protection, divination, or magick work I would strongly advise against using such methods to communicate with spirits.

I'd instead suggest starting with a regular breath meditation, learning and practicing psychic protection/defense, practicing visualization and learning about spiritual laws such as intention. After that if you still have the desire to play with a ouija board/portal do as you please. At least then you would have more of an ability to protect yourself.

I couldn't have said it better!!
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