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Old 20-11-2016, 10:19 PM
DreamKey DreamKey is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 212
Originally Posted by heart
the most important thing to remember when you open your third eye chakra and upwards is the higher in energy you go the deeper you will need to ground, or the higher you go the harder you will fall if you fail to recognize the importance of grounding

the mind is your home, it is empty and open for all to enter if you do not ground while experiencing these things. an empty house entertains the devil so I recommend grounding and protection from things seen and unseen

you ground by balancing the rest of your chakras, the heart chakra is your center and seat of power, from it you emanate energy in a circular motion, below the heart. chakra energy moves downwards through the navel sacral and base chakras and continues towards the center of the earth where it is anchored, You cannot leave the plain of the living and know the unknowable without doing this first
just by doing this you will feel very heavy and secure

now we move the chakra energy upwards starting at your seat of power, the heart. through the throat chakra the third eye, and finally through the crown chakra, you can go very high in these lighter energies hence the very good reason why you need to ground

I would not say that one can know the unknowable, but rather, one is the unknowable, or you could say awakening is the realization that nothing known is you.
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