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Old 20-08-2016, 11:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Zeronknight
I feel like, no, I know this wasn't the path my higher self intended to go down.
If your Higher Self had intended you to be anywhere else, that's where you would be. You're not, here you are just the same.

Originally Posted by Zeronknight
I feel like my life is going down a bad path, and I don't know how to fix this.
Your Path doesn't need fixing, your mindset does. There is no such thing as a 'bad Path', only bad thinking. Forget the notion of 'bad' completely because really it doesn't help, you are where you are because that's where you need to be and instead take a good look at where you are.

Put your Spirituality into context, Spirituality is a belief system and when it comes down to it and it's a part of you the same as school is. You are not a belief system and this is where most 'Spiritual people' have it so badly wrong. You ARE Spirit, how more Spiritual does it get?

Originally Posted by Zeronknight
I'm so confused, and realize what a cruel world this is, sometimes I think. "Is it even worth it?". This world is surely something. Corrupt gov, greedy people. I don't know anymore, and I don't know what to do. What can I do to fix all of this? What do I do to change my life around?
Yes it is a cruel world but don't forget the beauty of even the simplest of things. While it is cruel there are people who put their Lives on the line for strangers every day, so don't forget those things because they are a part of this world too. If you don't like the greedy people don't become one of them, become kind because that's the choice you have made, leave their choice of being greedy to them.

Find your own joy, find what makes you happy. If you think being at school will bring you stability or make you feel better then concentrate on that, and when you do that you'll create a more stable base for your Spirituality. How much of a basis for your Spirituality is being depressed, sad and hurting?
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