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Old 14-04-2017, 04:20 PM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Originally Posted by no1wakesup
Sure, so it is a quality you realized within the parameters of your character. Which is why it can become another belief. And yes, one size does not fit all. When you realize or have insight into something which appears to be new, in that moment, awareness briefly shifted to see a lanscape never seen before. That insight will serve the character through memory, until another realization occurs. When one realization is strong enough to initiate another and another, like a domino effect, thats when a total shift unfolds. And what you become is no longer subject to "becoming" anything at all

I'm defining resonance as the mind recognising a solution that may end the discomfort of feeling of disconneted. No doubt there are levels of resonance intensity depending on how excited and enthusiastic the mind may get about any particular solution it finds. It feels very different to belief for this character which doesnt believe in very much at all and would never accept something as self evident, remembering what may be hidden in Kieregaard's ditches and elsewhere:) and liberated by him from seeking truth altogether.
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