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Old 06-12-2016, 05:28 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
My guess is, if you were a ghost you would stay the same as you are right now. Same ailments, problems and issues. I've never seen a ghastly ghost, I have read that they are earthbound and since they cannot or do not move on...they are stuck with their earthly problems.

As a spirit, one who has moved on, into the light or wherever that may be, which I believe I have seen...they look the same(maybe so I would recognize them) but with a much higher frequency and brighter aura or energy. I'm not sure if it's the same when they are, wherever they go, the same. But, when from what I've seen...take the farmer who died of cancer that I wrote about on here who was discussing his family issues three days after he died, at the end of my bed when I woke up one morning (I didn't know he was sick or had recently died) I don't know if he was earthbound, or not....he was in his overalls, look d exactly the same, except he was kind fluorescent in color, and slightly transparent. There was nothing alarming about him other than he shouldn't have been there with me.

The ones I have seen, all looked the same or similiar...but also different. My uncle looked the same. The deceased child was transparent with an energy outline of his body, the farmer looked translucent and fluorescent. If I have actually seen a ghost, which is possible since I have seen spirits...I would describe from what I saw, almost a hazy or translucent appearance...but very much the same appearance as they had in life.

I assume though, that we are light/energy....we could be a ball of light or a streak of colorful energy if we wanted to be in our original form. Either these souls identify with their earthly appearance or they take it on to visit loved ones to be recognized.
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