Thread: Are we all One?
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Old 19-08-2019, 10:29 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Siemens
I already tried to ask this question in another thread but I apparently formulated it in a mistakable way, so here is what I actually meant:

Does each human being has his own soul or do we all have one soul in common?

Since some of you use unfavorable definitions of words I have to make clear that:
With “SOUL” I denote the thing, mechanism, or structure that underlies (generates) our conscious experiences.

In my view there is only one consciousness which is behind all matter. The universe to me is mental. When it comes to humans we have individual souls but all human souls is each a different part of one single human soul in my view. Human souls wasn't once human souls. We have progressed to develop our souls. From molecules, then minerals, then plants, then animals and then evolved to what become humans. Animals has a group soul consciousness also known as a hive mind. Individuality may exist in some forms with hive minds too but lesser. When it comes to consciousness in my view consciousness is all one consciousness because there is no separation. There is the illusion of separateness but there isn't really any separation. Although there is only one consciousness still each soul has its own split off conscious awareness but its because its focused in that form known as the individual soul. Although conscious awareness is split off it is still one because there is no separation. This is only my opinion.

Last edited by Strangerthanfiction : 19-08-2019 at 01:27 PM.
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