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Old 10-04-2006, 09:44 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi Feohgoddess,

I had this experience last night. A few weeks ago I felt as though my body was unbuckling like unbuttoning buttons down my chakra points and i moved out of my body but I haven't seen myself yet, or anything else, I struggled to understand how to let go, but last i realised that it was probably just about letting go like you do when you fall asleep. I started shaking and my body felt like it does just before take off on an airoplane, like it was being shaken in a rumbling, vibrating sort of way. i concentrated on staying as relaxed as possible but i suppose my mind is still getting used to the idea this is possible so it was hard to do so. I can't really remember much else except that I ended up feeling very relaxed for a bit and my wife who was lying next to me seemed to be experiencing the same as me because her breathing became heavy and she gripped my hand tighter as the rush progressed although she didn't say anything and was asleep when it finished.

The process is breaking down the certainties that stop me dreaming and lock me into this "physical" belief. If i can let go i can live the dream, but it's only when you start to let go that you realise how tightly bound you are to the ideas which stop you feeling peace. Its an interesting challenge though.