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Old 18-05-2017, 04:27 AM
Ground Ground is offline
Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 993
Originally Posted by Iamit
The beauty of hereness or The Now as some famously call it, is that it is impossible not to be in the now if the now is the only reality.
Of course if one believes in 'The Now' as one may believe in 'oneness' then a sentiment of 'reality' as true existence of 'The Now' may arise temporarily.
But that is only a temporary antidot to believing in past and future similar to watching a nice movie. As soon as everyday activities start and you get involved in conventional everyday conversation then past, present and future will arise again and 'The Now' bursts like a bubble and is revealed to be nothing other than a dream image.

Originally Posted by Iamit
Thinking or having feelings about the past or future happen in the now. There is nowhere else for those thoughts or feelings to arise.
That isn't quite correct since once a thought or feeling has started its starting point is in the past and it continues in the present and if it is not stopped it will continue in the future.
Originally Posted by Iamit
So spiritual paths and/or practises striving to be in the now as opposed to somewhere else:) are misleading. What a relief that is! Imagine having to work out whether you are in the now or not while you are falling over a cliff or enjoying your breakfast:)
Of course I know that the message you want to convey is that your path of auto-suggestive beliefs is the one and only path.
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