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Old 10-11-2017, 08:38 AM
Shaunc Shaunc is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 765
Sila is the main training of buddhism and most other religions for that matter. Buddhism has no monopoly on meditation, the European neo nazi that killed all of the children on a school camp actually meditated before committing that atrocity. It would have been far better of course if he'd only practiced some sila from anyone of numerous religions.
Also some Buddhist sects don't practice meditation. Japanese pureland and nichiren buddhism are two that come to mind.
I personally practice Japanese pureland (Jodo Shinshu or shin buddhism) which doesn't require a meditation practice although I do practice it, not so much for gaining karmic merits or spiritual advancement which admittedly it does help with but I practice it with the same attitude I have towards physical exercise, I just do it because it's good for you.
Good luck and best wishes.
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