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Old 06-11-2017, 06:08 PM
rhubarbrosie rhubarbrosie is offline
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 93
Mozart concert: felt in my chakras :)

I just wanted to share in case anyone else is in need of a lift.

I have been feeling down lately after a lot of setbacks, but have maintained a clean diet, no alcohol, frequent meditation & chakra work... Well, yesterday I went to a local symphony concert where I knew one of the violinists. Someone saved me a first row seat...and it was so FREAKING AMAZING how I literally felt the music in my chakras. The energy bounced from my lower chakras to the higher ones, depending on the notes, and would kick off a reverb.

It blissed me out :) truly rapturous and a nice energy change up!

I strongly urge anyone in need of a lift to check out local live music concerts: I had NO IDEA it would feel so good.
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