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Old 11-05-2017, 10:53 AM
Iamit Iamit is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: West Wales. u.k
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Originally Posted by Ground
No but you misunderstood 'authentic' because 'authentic' refers to the sphere of an individual's experience. So what may be authentic expression for one individual isn't necessary authentic expression for another individual. If you adopted my view through using my corresponding linguistic expressions your view wouldn't be authentic. Why? Because it wouldn't have been authenticated by your experience.

See above.

Conditioning becomes irrelevant due to realization of emptiness of (one)self. This state then is called 'freedom from conditioning'. It refers to an experience and since it exists only through imputation - as all other phenomena - it is empty of truth too. There aren't any truths but there are appropriate or inappropriate linguistic expressions from the perspective of the view of emptiness of inherent existence.

You are so trusting of the authenticating capabilities of your experience to avoid conditioning. I dont want to burst that defensive bubble but would say that should it burst, it will be an uncomfortable experience, but your mind will continue to work for you, trying to find a replacement solution.

Good luck
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