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Old 13-11-2011, 08:09 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by aero87
I just started reading this book and wow, seems like my idea of heaven from what I've read so far.

Reading more and I see he mentions that they live in perpetual summer. Ok maybe I'm not spiritually advanced enough but that would bother me. I like my different seasons and I'd assume that God would make it so that some people could have all 4 seasons if that was their idea of paradise. I mean he lets them have the home of their dreams, so why not the climate of their dreams?

Firstly God isn't a 'he' who has created paradise or lets people (quote) "...have a home of their dreams" or anything else - that's Biblical (and other) conditioning creating humankind's beliefs.

Next, when you speak about your personal preferences you're speaking as an incarnate, living in a body, experiencing our world through physical sensors. After your passing you'll experience a new environment and logically you may feel differently to how you do now.

In the etheric ('Paradise' if you wish) the material of that environment is malleable to thought. In highly simplified terms, solid objects can be created by the power of one's thought.

There you'll also find that the principle of like-attracts-like applies and if you still feel the way you've described you'll likely find others of similar outlook. You may find that their collective desire will have created a local environment of the sort you, and they, enjoy.

You will be able to decide if you'd like to live there and maybe contribute your own thought energy to continue holding it in existence. You may wish to see if you can 'fine tune' it locally to suit your particular desires but it would then need your personal energy to keep those modifications 'alive'.

Such an environment won't be found widely but it would be as solid and real as any other. The 'paradise' you've heard about will be different things to different people.

Your own would be just one variant.
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