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Old 01-12-2013, 02:16 PM
kris kris is offline
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Originally Posted by Starbuck
The name Vindo means butterfly. I was thinking about the film 'A Butterfly Effect' yesterday which is about our choices and how they influence others and change the course of our lives.
This is the principle of karma. All actions have consequences. When we choose our actions we choose the consequences of our actions whether or not we know the consequences when we choose our actions.
I've always struggled with the idea of lives being pre-planned because I see no evidence of this in my own life. I made split second choices that changed the course of my life forever. With hindsight I can see that the universe was warning me against going a particular route, but I did anyway, for various reasons. I believe it is up to me. I made decisions and I continue to make them in conjunction with the consqeuences of my choices. I believe that my dream is saying that every choice I make has a consequence..which of course is true for all of us. We are here to experience the impact of our choices and make new ones. We work with what we've got. Not everything is or can be a choice. Life happens. Fate or whatever you may call it happens. But we choose how we deal with it.
This is how karma is explained in the link above.
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