Thread: Prayer
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Old 20-09-2017, 06:57 AM
Busby Busby is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Originally Posted by Morpheus
This is your irreverent STREET, and world viewpoint Busby.
What are you failing to see?

Certainly, life is more than this organic situation in the illusory Space/Time situation. But what else?
"Babylon". Today, the whole world is the global community thanks to technologies, and "end times" is about human nature, and current activitivity, as much as about cosmic and ecological events.

So, someone here started a thread about prayer, and you aren't hijacking? That right?

Also? Citing Fraud.

Just to say it again. I wasn't 'high-jacking' anything, at least not with intent. I was simply pointing out that praying is a waste of time.

But I get your point about my street and world(ly?) viewpoint. Because I think that the stories in the Bible really are just stories, created by a bunch of camel drivers and shepherds wondering just what this thing called life is and turning to the scribes for answers. Whilst you, as a knower/believer position me on a lower rung of understanding as your good self. This by the way is forbidden in the Bible - it's called 'judging others'.

In my book any loving god wouldn't torture anything, in fact such a god would have cleared the decks of any doubts eons ago, there is no reason why we shouldn't be in a state of 'paradise' (for want of a better word), for the rest of time without having to prove something.

Anyway, we've already had an Armageddon, where god in his love allowed three generations of 'his' people to live knowing full well that he'd employed Noah to save something of the world before drowning them.

There are also Armageddons every day, car crashes, aeroplane crashes, earthquakes, pests, and all the rest. Maybe at such moments for those involved they understand that this is armageddon - I'm sure the people in Hiroshima tended in this direction (although not Christians).

But what is perfide about the Biblical prophecy of Armageddon is the relief and joy the believers will have when at last seeing that which the Biblical God has predicted has come about.

That's gruesome.

What am I failing to see?
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