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Old 03-11-2013, 08:40 AM
declan declan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: motueka
Posts: 154
Hi Alexa.
I,d like to take a crack at this one.I feel confident i have a good understanding of "Karma".Karma is the reason that everything that there is, without any exceptions, can exist.If a person views "karma "as being from a divine intervention then it will on a casual observation often seem to be unjust. It is in the finer details ,which we mostly cannot see that the fairness of karma can be observed.
We cannot zoom in on one aspect of a situation and hope to gleam the full picture , we must step back and take in the whole picture in its entirety.
Often this picture will span many life times and will have innumerable intricate threads. The karmic law is unyielding.Karma has no purpose, no more than gravity has a purpose, it just is so.However if a person is aware of the karmic laws then you can use these laws to your advantage.
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