Thread: High vibrations
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Old 22-02-2013, 06:17 PM
chadley chadley is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Posts: 455
Raising your vibration without integration is really the primary factor within imbalance. We see this with lots of spiritual types who are so ungrounded and disassociated with their bodies that they are not connected with mother earth.

You can achieve great states of higher consciousness in, for example, meditation, but if you do not integrate the consciousness into your being now, it creates a disparity between your physical consciousness and your spiritual consciousness. They are no longer aligned.

The earth, just as all humans, exist in many states of consciousness simultaneously. You have a physical body, an mental and emotional field, as well as a spiritual field (energy field or aura). These fields of individual consciousness coincide with different levels of consciousness. For example, Your heart chakra vibrates within the same boundaries that the astral plane does and this reality can be experienced personally as the fourth layer of the aura.

Accessing higher planes of consciousness will not put you at odds with nature unless you aren’t in harmony with nature while rooted in your physical body. The earth you experience in life shares all these layers of reality with you. The only difference is that the earth is fully balanced and nearly all humans are not.

The greater your internal imbalance between the layers of reality, the greater you will be imbalanced with the earth.
"Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world. The sun is simply bright. It does not correct anyone. Because it shines, the whole world is full of light. Transforming yourself is a means of giving light." ~~~~Ramana Maharshi
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