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Old 10-01-2019, 04:43 PM
markings markings is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 619
Originally Posted by Busby
I'll stick to my guns. No-one has answered my question but many have responded in the sense that if I would only look!
I didn't ask that, I have no problem in assuming, (assuming, not believing) that that stuff seen or unseen all around me could be god.
My question was why does he/she/it not show him/her/its self, it would be no skin off its nose and we (were it to be the case) could get on a bit instead of continuing to mess around. Our free will would still be valid.
There is, in my book, no point in believing/having faith/putting myself in his hands - and so on. If he put me onto this planet (without asking me, as far as I can remember) then I'd prefer to be responsible for myself.

So my question still stands.
Is life itself, existence, not good enough for you? :)
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