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Old 26-02-2018, 07:34 AM
Posts: n/a
Divine Messages?

After a bad break up on new years, I slowly began seeking answers from a higher power. I've never been terribly religious before, I just believe in praying in my own time and space without others thinking I've gone mad.

Over a week ago I found out about Archangels, and since then I've been learning about them, praying for their guidance and receiving signs from them.

I'm posting this because I've been seeing tons of numbers showing up, some of the more frequent ones are 24, 34, and 77. I have been praying to the Archangels for help and guidance in seeing if there's any way to reunite me with the man who left me over something silly and easily mended. Since then I've gotten many numbers presented to me. Some of the more common ones for that prayer are 11, 33, 55, 77, 333, 555, 777, 1234, and a long list of other numbers that have shown up lately.

I've been receiving sudden shots of inspiration to take action and do things I'd never normally do - such as write letters - as well as sudden mood changes, and I've been having vivid dreams almost every night for the entire time I've been praying. I have also experienced a couple visions since becoming more spiritual, I saw the letter V in my mind last night while trying to sleep, and the word "Clairvoyance" kept repeating in my mind for several days.

But this is more about the numbers. I know 555 means a major change is coming for me, and I read 777 indicates miracles are to come, but how could they? All I've been praying for is to reunite with my ex so we can make things right, and I have this strong inner instinct that he's actually my one true soul mate, and I don't know why I can't let him go, no matter how much time passes. Can someone try to help me figure out what the signs are saying? Or perhaps if a miracle really is coming into my life, and what it could be?

Thank you! :)
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