Thread: Elohim
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Old 23-01-2020, 09:50 PM
NoOne NoOne is offline
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Originally Posted by adamkade
All these posts are amazing. Wow. I think everyone is right. The truth is like a tree with each one holding a branch and saying "yes we have the truth!" Which is quite right. We define and by defining we create because definition is the first step to creation.

It's all good.

I believe that the truth is an island and that we are swimming in the ocean trying to get closer to the island. We will never get to the island, but that is okay. I can only communicate from my own understanding. In a very real sense we are all wrong in the sense that we can never be right because to know the truth we must know all things and the relationship between all things in every moment. In order to do this we must be able to perceive all things in our experience all at once.

The Divine is the only one that can do this.

Having said this. It is also true that there is no seperation from an ultimate perspective yet also we must true to our perception in this moment and in this moment there is seperation.

We may know something in our thoughts, within ourselves, the gnosis, the true intuitive knowledge and yet we must somehow bring the inner knowing and to be able to experience this in our experience.

We may do this by filing ourselves with the God light, prana, the breath of the Divine, call it what you will. When I do this and highten my vibration and ascend my conciousness I connect with the Divine.

Feeling the Divine love transforms my experience of myself and other people. I am all about transforming my being and my experience of my being in my reality and helping other transform their reality experience.

I love this part of my life. My working life is amazing also as I am using my understanding to bring about worthwhile changes in thinking which ultimately changes behaviour .

Wise words were told to me once: An eagle does not fly and because he can fly, thinks "I am eagle!", instead, an eagle knows it is an eagle and because it knows it is an eagle it is able to fly.

I agree that Theosophy, at least in the writing that I linked is outdated. It is worthwhile for me to read the writings because I have tried to understand the history of ideas. Also, Theosophy was noble because it tried to bring all spiritual understanding and material understanding together in one place in order to get a fuller understanding.

It is also interesting, for me, that the great western spirituality, in its purist forms, at least to my understanding, reached an apex within the 18 hundreds. We now "borrow" from eastern understanding yet the medival alchemists and philosphers had incredible understanding and yet it was all lost to scientific thought, at least in the west.

Now there is a curious merging of east and west philosophy in some individuals, which is great, but there is no school of philosophy or spiritual organisation which brings all spirituality and higher under one roof.

It is my hope to find such an institution, or if one is not found create one.

Love, Adam

Hey Adam,

I was writing about Genesis and the creation story in some of my previous posts and I do appreciate the synchronicity that your name brings to the picture

Thanks for all your kind words.

I do appreciate theosophy, after all it brought eastern thought into the public consciousness in the West.

They also came up with the idea of ascended masters, which I think is rather spot-on. In one sense, Inanna is an ascended being and she does appear as such in some ascended master systems, as do the Elohim and other versions of the Goddess, such as Ishtar, Tara or Kwan Yin.

I have long learned to disregard the form and concentrate on the energy. It will always tell you, unfailingly, who you're dealing with and what their true intentions are. That is one thing that cannot be faked.

I also feel that you are a very kind and enlightened soul and the world is lucky to have you contributing so positively to general well-being and love for others.
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