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Old 13-11-2019, 10:37 PM
paragon paragon is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 98
GoldenEmbers, here's my view of your experience for what it's worth:

There is one uncreated, infinite source. Call it God, source, the universe or whatever you will. It is infinite and completely beyond the constraints of created attributes.

When communication occurs between the created finite and the eternal uncreated infinite, it usually comes cloaked in the form of creation in order to make it comprehensible to our finite minds. Some enlightened people do catch rare glimpses of the uncreated infinite without the created mediator, but it is beyond our comprehension to describe it. Hence St. Paul's famous quote "eye hath not seen" etc.

Anyway, early on in the history of humanity, humans imagined these interactions to be carried by celestial winged beings known as angels, which literally just means "messenger". This concept has become embedded in the collective consciousness, and so when people hold any sort of intercourse with the uncreated infinite they typically imagine they're talking to these angels. Similarly, when people see demonic spirits they see them in innumerable different forms, depending on whatever form the person's imagination assumes to be the most horrible. Unfortunately the human mind's capacity to imagine all forms of terrors seems to know no end, while our capacity to envision truth, beauty and light is severely limited - hence we tend to see limited varieties of angels but endless species of demons. I guess the human mind finds the winged angel to be an appropriate symbol to represent celestial wisdom, but the rather cartoonish concept of a guy in red pyjamas on his way to mulch the garden doesn't really suffice to express the full spectrum of terror.

ANYWAY, you clearly have some anxiety about the path you've chosen, and your anxiety has manifested itself in the form of an evil spirit guide. Like all created visions of the uncreated, it's purely your mind attempting to translate non-form into form. As evidence, note that the people who have these experiences always seem to be people with some degree of religious anxiety.

All of this is to say, don't be concerned and you are safe.
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