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Old 04-08-2018, 07:47 AM
Starman Starman is offline
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Originally Posted by ember23
Hi all. So I am dealing with a pretty bad bought of depression at the moment.
I've been trying to use meditation as a way to raise my vibration and help bring me out of it, but I struggle with executive dysfunction which makes it difficult to motivate myself to actually do things.
How do you all keep yourselves motivated to keep meditating and stay on your path to spiritual enlightenment? Do you meditate everyday? Do you do it on a schedule? Any helpful tips would be very much appreciated. Namaste

I have been doing formal sitting meditation for more than 40-years, one to two times daily, ten to thirty minutes each time. Occasionally I will go a day or three without doing any meditation, and it usually gives me an uneasy feeling.

Besides my formal sitting meditation, I also meditate while standing in the grocery checkout line, or waiting in line at the bank, etc., it helps me to build patience while standing in a slow moving line. When I was working, I am now retired; I would also meditate on my lunch break. Go outside to a park bench, or sit on the grass, and meditate.

Meditation gives me a sort of umbrella that helps me with whatever rains of depression that may pour. I am more vulnerable to depression when I don’t meditate, and the best time for me to meditate is when I am not depressed. That builds a momentum, which can carry me through all sorts of moods and situations, although quieting my mind when I am depressed has also been helpful.

Depression usually comes to me when I am holding on to something, most often something that I am not conscious of, and taking a relaxing bath, listening to soothing music, and doing quiet meditation, usually helps snap me out of it. But also watching very funny comedy movies, reading certain fiction type stories, and doing volunteer work, has also been beneficial for alleviating depression for me. Basically, getting my mind absorbed in something else other than my depression.
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