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Old 15-05-2018, 05:26 PM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Strucked By Lightning

This is one of those dreams again.... :)

I may have forgotten some small things but the main things I remember and also I am typing from my phone so pardon my typos. So this dream starts out with me and a group of people who are a part of my team. The room we are meeting in has a secret command center feel to it. Also I don't know these people in reality but I know them or feel like I know them. It seems that I hear this being speaking to me saying that he will help get what we need and that we are to create animals. The thought in my mind of hermit the frog came to me... Maybe his personality is what they were aiming at. We get a briefcase and inside are chocolate coco cake that look like Rudolf the rain deer.....

I'm thinking I leave this room and enter another and it is me and my family.... Or me and my 2 sisters... My lol sister goes on to prod at something unimportant.. I forgot the content... It seemed repetitive and like a distraction... We are apparently on a large cruise ship and there a lot of other people on board. Me and my older sister sit down at this table inside of a ball room with an open roof with a clear sky. This ship seems gigantic probally hundred of people were here eatting and this was just a small portion of the ship....

I think I had some paperwork with me or maybe it was food when I notice the wind start to pick up. I held my papers down and looked up and could see clouds forming that looked like tornado clouds and all of the sudden... A flash of lighy and a bang..... We were all hit by lightning.... I was able to standup immediately after it happened although it took some effort and focus..... I noticed that a lot of other people were still immobilized and my sister was too afraid to get up. I picked her up and put her on my shoulder and turned around and there was some random girl standing there next to her sister.... She seemed to be in a pleasant mood actually and kinda teased me that she wish that she could carry her sister back. So I picked up her sister and put her on my other shoulder and started to run back to the room...

It seem like everything was in chaos as people were running in all directions.... As I ran down this hard floor I noticed that there was someone from the ship still mopping it and it was wet. I was not concerned about the wit floor but I looked up and saw a team member skating across this floor towards where I just left.....

I got to the room and put my sis and the other girl down.... Apparently these animals I mentioned earlier were some sort of guardian... I told the remaining team that we were going to create animals who would stand tall like a..... Dream ended....

2nd dream long story short my sister is pointing at some kind of holographic zodiac life chart and telling me I used to be a tiger being... I tell her that I all ready knew that and show her moments in my past where I wore or had something that represented the tiger. She told me I was a tiger from the time of aquarious...

Interesting night is say... Never been struck by lightning.... Smh

Thanks for reading
I ask that you ask questions if you have them on what I have said. I have lots of experiences and feel that I can communicate them in a way that you can understand.
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