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Old 07-05-2016, 01:57 PM
selene selene is offline
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 468
Plato's Symposium-Aristophanes' supposedly quoted speech about love... the idea of twin flames, split souls or whatever you call this has always been there -Plato tells us it's an old myth this one. I did not know of TFs until about a year ago and my own TF hinted me to the term, but I had actually studied above mentioned speech for school many years ago and thoroughly so. I had thought it was beautifully written and occasionally, I'd think how cool it'd be if it was a true legend this one and my other half was somewhere in this world. But I just thought it was cute until I came across my TF...

In the same sense, whether they are called Indigo children or something else, there have always been people who seem to not entirely 'fit' a purely 'rational' society.

Anyhow, my point is, these are just explanations of certain phenomena and a couple of tools to deal with the experiences that derive from them. How we use these tools and whether the end result to separate ourselves from the rest of the world (usually from a higher position) or whether to work towards unity, that's a long discussion but I do not think we necessarily need to blame the 'theory' for that... there is an underlying system that will adjust, even the most advanced theory and work it around to aim towards the isolation of human experience from the one of others. I am coming to think that only a spiritual journey where we stay as true to ourselves can attack that... and in that sense, I am grateful to TF theory for jumpstarting mine :)
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