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Old 12-06-2017, 01:07 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
THank you guys a lot for your posts!

@Keokutah I think times like that where you are getting an overwhelming feeling such as the one you were receiving from that one person and you kept saying you felt nauseous and you said that she was also really skinny? Maybe you are picking up her feelings in a medium type of way and it was giving you insight to her state of being? Times like that when I feel or am sad or even when I am happy I say a prayer for them. When you pray an angel comes down instantly and they take it to god and then more angels act on it. With prayer you open doors for alternative possibilities for that person as a conscious creator. :)

@Phoenix Yeah I have been noticing them and wanted to hear what others think. I think I really know why I get them..... I feel that in those moments those feelings are a part of me. I have recollection of some of my past lives and have found that the certain moments in the movies remind me of things I have done in those lives. So its triggering memories in me.... :)
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