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Old 30-01-2013, 10:27 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Gracey
one of my grandparents had it and the other was positive, thier first child was born normal and each one after that got worse with learning abilities, eventually the last one being retarded. (please dont take offense to that word, she doesnt).
the two blood types do not mix with breeding. this was the cause of their mental challenges.

i clearly disagree with gracey on that one because my mother is rh b negitive and she is fine. I am also fine I wanted to say this because my father birth father is o positive and my birth mother is rh b negitive... only thing is doctors will not at all show me my real blood ttype to my face and my mom things i could be either rh ab or rh b or a she said thats odd how they dont want to show the blood type to you..
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