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Old 23-03-2018, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Moonglow
Namaste Greenslade,

Sorry if I came off confusing in part.
So, clarify a bit as best I can in regards to how souls come across to me. First it is not often, but have had dreams and experiences that in which a loved one presence was felt or later revealed.

My mother appears in my dreams, at times, as well as my father. Atleast as they were in form in this realm. In the dreams, my mother is young (mid 30's-early forties), my father is young as well (early forties). Both healthy and happy. My father would be in the background, hanging out, but would notice him there. My mother sometimes in the background, sometimes would converse.

The crows were interesting, for it was not until another friend of mine told me of the passing of a close friend, that I got the connection. But, there were crows following me around and getting my attention. They seemed out of the ordinary in the sense, don't usually have them follow me around.

So, these experiences and other experiences of feeling overwhelming love at times, confirms in me that souls communicate through dreams and nature. Through our thoughts. Not in a self serving way, more in a way of saying we are still with me and I with them. In ways, feelings, images I as this person here am able to relate to.

It is individually that messages get sent, but in a unifying and loving way. Hard to fully explain without sounding a bit off. But, that the way I experience it at times. Not always, just suppose when needed.

For me it is not so strange and feels normal that Spirit, souls may communicate in such ways. Although, they are on another level and it is out of love and connection that it is done.

I don't fully know all of it, just how it is for me at present. Along with soul contracts and again dreams at times revealing to me glimpses of past lives.
This leads to feel that souls have a personality of sort. If not why go through all this? Why make agreements or want to experience being here? Perhaps it is to expand consciousness of the collective, but don't know for sure.

What else you present is pretty fascinating to me. How is all this that is perceived as being real and seemed confirmed by our senses created. If it be just a bunch of particles buzzing around, then how the ****ens do they manage to come together just right in so many ways to give form to all this?

Some say miracles don't exist. Look around more, I say.

If it is just the brain box creating it all, then what does that say about what we have with in ourselves?

Perhaps it's a power trip our ego goes on. Thinking one controls all this. Perhaps in the ways one adapts to it and lives life here, but do we control how the pieces around us manage to blend together?

Trying to do anything to me is an act of ego, in a way. So trying for "Godhood" to me is just making it a thing to strive for and create for such. Another self created reality?
Just playing with the thought.

A trick of the light? What happens when the lights go off and all is quiet? Does consciousness stop or does one simply step into a whole new realm of consciousness? Ego coming along as long as the individual is there? Perhaps, just not so noisy.

Thanks you
Namaste Moonglow

It's me that needs to apologise Moonglow, not you. Momentary lapse of reason. What I was trying to express there is that even in Spirit and despite all that's projected onto it and there not being a sense of self/Self, there's an individuality of some description - it's just how that individuality is ..... projected? It's been said that all Spirit is 30 years old because that's a reflection of Spirit being in the prime of Life. We're supposed to be in our prime at round 30 and being in Spirit doen't get much more 'prime'. There's still...... 'something' as a point of reference as being your individual parents and what they mean to you as you perceive it. And I do get what you mean because my father in Spirit still comes around, not so often because I tend to go to pieces emotionally. But there is still something or some thing that I can relate to as father the same as you do with your parents. The big question is what is that something/some thing? We don't know the colour of consciousness so I suppose appearing as thirty is as good a way as any to express if it 'gets the job done'. Is that all that ego is? A 'mask' to go on top of consciousness to help us 'get the job done' as in go through this existence?

When we are masks of consciousness, what then?

What doesn't make sense to me is when everything that Spirit is supposed to be falls apart at the seams. Isn't Spirit supposed to not have a personality? And if one does?

I've been told that when I pop my clogs I'll still be 'me' but I'll also have an awareness of being a part of a greater whole at the same time. I guess it's a teamwork kind of thing where individuality meets the 'greater good'. Simplistically I can understand how we make the choices, somewhere between ourselves and the team. If you want to have an experience someone needs to interact with you so you can have it. By the way, didn't we agree that you would have the experience of me kicking your tail? Wouldn't want your Spiritual development to be curtailed.

Spirits aren't supposed to have a personality because having one of those means ego, yet here you are telling me that you feel Souls have a personality? As it happens I fully agree with you, Souls/Spirits do have an individual personality, but I often wonder what's in people's minds when they know the truth that the don't have one.

I think we've spoken about this before, so briefly Matsuru Emoto did a lot of work with how consciousness imprints water. Our thoughts also change our energies, if your thoughts are nice and calm then your whole being will feel calm. A lot of that kind of stuff is pretty basic I think, but how does that translate into a wider reality? Feeling as if our whole being is anger is a bit of a way from creating existence in form.

Apparently there are 26 numbers in the Universe that have to be very finely tuned for us to exist in this way. Take gravity for instance, if it had been a little more all matter would be too super-heavy for us to exist and a little bit less would have meant that matter wouldn't coalesce enough to create planets and the like. The more we learn about quantum physics the more we're learning that science, consciousness and matter all interact in ways we could never have imagined.

Indeed, what does it say about what's inside ourselves?

As we Walk this Path we don't walk in a straight line, there are no straight lines as such. We walk the spiral, and even though we think we're back at some certain point we're actually above the point, not on it. Desiderata was one of the text that was with me when I began this Journey and often I return to it to gain different insights. The message remains relevant even though the words that convey it can change.
"Go quietly amidst the haste and noise, and remember what peace there may be in silence." In that yes, a whole new realm of consciousness.

Anther 'model' stolen from science but very much mirrored in Spirituality is the concept of 'Now Slices'. Spirituality and science completely agree with this one but science says it better. It's as though we're sitting watching a movie, reality is what's in front of our faces and is being shown to us, one frame at a time. Each frame is what's called a 'now Slice', a single moment in the Now and not connected to slices before or after the current one. We don't move in reality, reality moves in front of us although admittedly that's quite a concept to grasp. It's kind of a few steps 'above' letting the Universe unfold if you like.

From a human perspective we need a frame of reference, while it's cool to say that the experiencer and the experience are one and the same, there is merit in understanding the reasons they are not. If our perception was that they were one and the same, how would that change the enjoyment of me talking to you if there was no perceptual difference?

If there was no ego/I Am to have these beliefs, these perspectives? Sometimes it gets Spiritually noisy too, and we need a little silence away from that as well.
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