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Old 22-03-2018, 09:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Moonglow
Namaste Greenslade,

Having been visited by loved ones who have departed from this realm of existence, would say souls have thier own quality and tone. I can sense and at times see who it is that is communicating. Whether through nature ( crows for example) or in dreams. These lead me to say yes souls have thier own vibration/tone.

Does form exist outside of our senses or what forms in our mind or nature? Hmm, seems another subject, but quantum entanglement seems to question such and explore the possibilities. As far as I can gather about it at present.

Consciousness does seem to shift and change with what I may become aware of or focus upon. Does lead thoughts into how much in held with I myself through what the individual lives and what is brought into the mix by the soul and ancestry.

Feel all this gives rise to formation of a self and with that the thoughts and psychological makeup.

As far as ego, I don't trip on it much now a days. It is just part of this physical makeup. If one relates to the self, there it is, if not, there it is, , just not focused upon, suppose.

Could be a trick of the shadows and light playing in the mind. What one makes of it or not seems to vary. Which can make things quite interesting.

Yes, life moves around us and one is with in this, IMO.
I am not quite sure if I am always still in it. Just roll with it as best I can at present.

It is interesting what you share about being still while reality happens around you.

I feel reality happens in its own way regardless whether I jump into the mix or not. How I deal with what is occurring seems to be where my mind and actions may go.
Namaste Moonglow

For all that's said in Spirituality that there's no 'I' in Spirit, it makes me wonder quite frankly. So if you can perceive your visiting Loved Ones as individual? Is it one or two of them that come to you or all of Spirit? I'm OK with things I don't understand but when experience and theory conflict I'm not happy about that. Perhaps that's too simplistic a question but for me it shows that something doesn't quite align. If there is no 'you' in Spirit to decide what 'you're' going to experience in your next incarnation, what does that say about Spirituality? And Souls?

According to science we're a blob of energy so that means we don't have any form as such. Apparently it's the egoic mind that gives solid objects their solidity so that's perception not fact. I guess if you wanted to see how that works you just have to think of beliefs and how 'solid' some people make them. Which is psychology and nothing to do with truth, interestingly. We're almost all empty space so what do we have to be egotistical about? We're a bunch of molecules surrounded by a whole lot of nothing at all and about as solid as a fart in a trance.

I can't remember the numbers off-hand but the electro-magnetic spectrum is something like one four-billionth of all the radiation in the Universe. We see a very small spectrum of that with our eyes. We don't actually see in 3D, the light hits our eyes and our brains then turn it the right way up and extrapolates it into 3D. We only think we see in three dimensions. Is that bonkers or what? I watched a YouTube by a guy called Anil Seth whose multidisciplinary team couldn't work out what consciousness was, the best he could come up with was that it was a two-way process between external and internal. What we have inside has as much to do with the creation of our consciousness as anything else.

It seems we do create our own realities.

The thing is, our egos are in part our own creations, genetics and environment are going to play their parts but the rest is up to us. Is this what we do with out own creations, kill them because we don't Love or even like hat they do? What does that say about us in our rush for Godhood?
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