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Old 13-01-2014, 04:08 AM
Jenny Crow Jenny Crow is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,194
Yes, but I was not dreaming. I've met more than one deceased pet. The most memorable time was when I was vacuuming and I was just about at the bottom of the stairs. I happened to look up to the top of the stairs and there he was looking down at me, clear and solid as when he was alive. He was beautiful and looked healthy again with his usual shiny coat (he died of cancer). He turned and headed to our bedroom so I ran up the stairs and rushed into the bedroom.........he wasn't there but there was an indentation on the bed. I was so happy to see him and especially glad to see him looking so well.

I've also seen and heard my pet duck that I had for fifteen years, and my horse.

Jenny Crow
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